Ahh, January, that magical time of year where I remember that I set up this website and make my traditonal quarter-assed attempt to maintain it.
Is my life glamorous? Maybe, but it’s mine. #humble
I forgot to do this today. It was quite busy at work, I’m exhausted from getting up entirely too early to get that work started, and I spent a fair amount of the afternoon arguing with some malfunctioning equipment. The entire day seemed like some kind of elaborate Saw movie set piece, designed specifically to…
Today we commemorate the birth of two of my very favorite people, my niece and nephew, Abby and Alex. They are twins, and are seven years old today. You are now wishing them a happy birthday by reading this sentence, because by the time you realized that a happy birthday message was passing through your…
I forgot today was the Monday of a three day weekend and went into work anyway. That is all for today.
I’ve started reading Walden, by Henry David Thoreau. Amazon describes it like this: In 1845, Henry David Thoreau moved into a cabin by Walden Pond. With the intention of immersing himself in nature and distancing himself from the distractions of social life, Thoreau sustained his retreat for just over two years. More popular than ever,…
I’m very busy today, so I’m writing this yesterday. I’m going to go watch my niece and nephew for a few hours, then get Krystal and I lunch, before going to see Scott Thompson in his show “Buddy Cole in King” over at City Winery. I’ve been a massive fan of both him and that…
A previous post made mention of advice we received from our legal department. On their request, we would like to make it clear that the legal department is imaginary and that this website is the product of one person. There will be no further updates unless new information becomes available, mostly because the bit has…
I neglected to actually add the corrected correction to the original post, as described in our previous update. Unfortunately, given that we have corrections to our subsequent corrections, and those corrections were not updated in the original post, nor in the updates, it would now be inappropriate to add alter any of these posts, corrections,…
Ok, so it’s clear to me now I should have probably just appended the corrections to the original post. Spreading it out over subsequent posts simply added to the confusion. The editorial department regrets this error and will strive to improve your reading experience in the future.